Dear Valued Customers,
Your patronage and support of the Empire Car Wash Group (the “Group” or “Empire”) and each of its locations is the key driver of our success. Quality and efficiency are key goals and require relentless focus on controlling costs.
We recognize the vast impact of the current inflationary environment for all of our customers and workers. Empire is also affected economically.
Given the current inflationary environment, we delayed our price increases until February 2025. Additionally, increases are modest and intended to cover our operating costs while maintaining the committed quality level.
The cornerstone of Empire's business is membership, which provides Empire with recurring revenue, and more frequent wash users (customers) with great economics. All customers are created equal and have different washing needs. We operate both washes with and without machinery ( Auto Wash, and Hand Wash, respectively). The latter requires more labor, which impacts cost per wash, and our pricing structure.
Our Plainview location will be converted to Handwash in March 2025. As such, pricing will increase in February 2025 and again in April 2025 with the aim of making cost per wash and membership more in line with our other locations. We view this approach as fair to both our customers, staff and the Group.
Against that backdrop, pricing changes by location will be as follows

Do you EverWash?
The Empire Car Wash Group does!
Never be stuck driving a dirty car! With EverWash™, customers can now wash their vehicles as much as they need to for a low monthly payment.
Available at all locations!
All members receive 10% off on all store purchases and detailing services.